Katoku K2 shears sharpening machine single flat hone system (non dust collection)


  • $3,100.00
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Katoku K2 shears sharpening machine (single flat hone) 

with 2024 version sharpening guide

Non dust collection model of "Kleen"

The package includes: 

  • Katoku K2 Sharpening Machine
  • Katoku Shears Sharpening Guide (2024 Upgraded)
  • Shears bending Block
  • 5pcs 6 inches metal discs (hook and loop)
  • 1 O-Ring Curve Shears Disc
  • 1 Katoku Advance polishing pads
  • Polishing compound
  • 1 powerful LED light
  • 2 lapping hones
  • 28 Assorted abrasives (6", O-Ring Abrasives)
  • 6 lapping film
  • 5 practicing shears
  • Katoku Shears Sharpening Instructional Video
  • 1 year parts and labor warranty

Katoku sharpening system is a compact, mobile and powerful sharpening system with a built-in dust collection system.

It's patent-protected shears guide allow you to perform any type of shears sharpening with ease. Katoku shears guides are designed to sharpen any kind of CONVEX, BEVEL, CURVED Right or Left handed shears. It is so easy to use you can almost sharpen accurately with your eyes closed.

K2 is a sturdily built unit but still very mobile, so you can take it in and out the workplace easily.  It uses a powerful DC 150w motor with a Digital RPM Gauge, so you can control the exact speed you want, and you will never need to guess how fast it is going. It runs between 110V to 240V current with the auto switch.

Katoku is a very smart design, and it is built to last for a very long time. The versatile design allows you to sharpen Vertically or horizontally. The magnetic head makes changing the disc fast and easy. 



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